93+ Best Green and Sustainable Businesses of 2020

While 2020 has been a challenge, to say the least, one thing proved to be a universal truth: a community provides us with an irreplaceable source of support, and it thrives when it's driven by compassion, diversity, and social and environmental responsibility.

Local and small businesses are at the heart of any community. They're our friends, they're sometimes our family, and they're striving to make the world a better place via sustainable, organic, and often homegrown and homemade produce and goods.

This year, we've discovered over 93 sustainable, ethical, and green businesses all around the states of Texas, Colorado, Los Angeles, Oregon, Florida, Illinois, and North Carolina, as well as — surprise! — Vancouver, Canada.

👉 Read now: Best good, green, local businesses of 2020

None of the features are sponsored. We hand-pick and evaluate all businesses by ourselves, but we wouldn't make it this far without your recommendations. Thank you!

Next year, we will continue our quest. For our US-based folks, which state would you like us to cover first? For our folks based elsewhere, which city and country would you like us to cover in the future? Do you have any tips on your favorite good, green, and local spots?

Just send us an email at social@naturehub.com to let us know!