Packaging vs. Environment: Here Is What You Need to Know

Trying to be environmentally friendly, but tearing your hair out because nothing is ever as easy it seems?

Unless you're shopping in zero-waste stores or growing your own food, all your products come in plastic, glass, paper, metal, or a mix of these.

You were told that plastic is bad, but what about biodegradable packaging? Is glass sustainable at all? Is using paper packaging hurting the environment more than it's helping it? Are there any new, more sustainable materials that we will be using in the future?

We're answering all these burning questions (and more!) in our packaging roundup.

Let's dive in!

Are Biodegradable Bags Better Than Plastic Bags?

You started using biodegradable bags because you were told they were better than plastic… but all of a sudden, you’re not so sure.

But the big question is this: Are these biodegradable bags many of us have switched to actually better for the environment than plastic bags? Or have we been sold a lie? Are we — gulp — doing as much damage to the environment as we would have been doing had we stuck to plastic?

In this myth-busting article, we take a look.

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Is Glass Packaging Actually Sustainable?

We all know that plastic is pretty bad for the environment (we’re being kind — it’s awful unless it’s recycled), but what about glass?

If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably been told that glass is good for the environment. Maybe you have friends who are, like, literally mason jar-obsessed. But what’s the true story here? Is glass really all that? Does it get a pass simply because it’s (apparently) better than plastic?

We decided to find out…

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What's the Deal with Paper Packaging?

Many of us like to believe that paper bags are better than plastic bags. Why? Well, for one thing, they’re not plastic. Yay! They’re also made from renewable sources, can be recycled, and they can biodegrade.

As ever, though, we must always question ✨the truth of the things we’re told✨ and never blindly accept something as fact, right?

For me, this is the case when it comes to how environmentally friendly paper really is. I’ve heard a lot of conjecture from both sides recently: some say paper is amaze-balls, others say it’s worse than plastic (what?).

Others say going paperless is groovy, the rest say there’s no point as long as we recycle plastic. What’s the truth here?

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Behold: This Might Be the Package of the Future

Eco packaging needs to be at the forefront of our minds as we move through 2020. Whilst many of us are doing our bit when it comes to other environmental concerns, such as food and food waste, it’s time to put sustainable packaging front and center on the green menu.

What can individuals like you and I do? What, for example, shall we do when we’re sending packages to our friends on the other side of the world? Or when we’re eating out and need some disposable plates?

And what can small businesses do to improve their packaging efforts?

Eco packaging certainly isn’t simple, but it’s now become so much of a necessity that it’s time to start strategizing more sustainable options. In this article, we’ll take a look at the ✨packages of the future✨.

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This Isn't Recyclable: a Case Against Fake Eco Packaging

The problem is that there is still a lot of greenwashing going on in the world of eco packaging. Sometimes, the packaging you think is doing great things for the planet is actually doing the opposite.

Not just this, but it’s the “small” everyday packaging that you think is recyclable but which probably isn’t. For example, pizza boxes: Can we recycle them or not? Or what about those coffee cups?

Join NatureHub as we take a look at the fake eco packaging that isn’t recyclable!

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