7 Healthy and Sustainable Habits You Can Start Today

We know, we know. Today isn't a New Year's Eve and not even a Monday. But it's always a perfect time to start on a new habit and take a step towards healthier, more eco-friendly living!

🍒 #1: Mind what you're eating

Pizza tastes good. Burgers taste good. But they won’t help you in the long-term.

Healthy eating is pretty important for physical and mental well-being: it can help you lose weight (if that’s your goal) and it can improve your overall health and help you get fitter, which is super important right now.

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🍱 #2: Learn to meal prep

Meal planning can be one of the best ways to boost your nutrition intake, whilst ensuring you save time, money, and prevent stress.

The good news is that we’ve decided to create this article, which is a low-down on how beginners can create their very own meal plan.

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♻️ #3: Become a pro at reusing and recycling

Have you heard of 5R’s? Reducing, reusing, and recycling is much easier than you think; it’s also beneficial for the environment and your wallet. Let’s take a look at what each R means and how to make these sustainable practices an essential part of your life.

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🧦 #4: Ditch fast fashion

Fast fashion is inexpensive, it looks good, but it’s also mass-produced, of a generally poor quality, and it’s also one of the most damaging industries for the planet.

In this article, we want to take a look at how you can quit fast fashion for good and adopt a new aesthetic that’s still “you.”

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🧃 #5: Choose sustainable options

Ready to freshen up your life by going more sustainable? Amazingly, it’s easier than you thought!

We’ve discovered seven (7) easy sustainable swaps you can start doing right now.

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🏡 #6: Support local businesses more

Local and small businesses are at the heart of any community. They’re our friends, they’re sometimes our family and — in many cases — they’re striving to make the world a better place via sustainable, organic, and homemade produce and goods.

Let us introduce you to a few compelling reasons how you, too, could support your local and small businesses!

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🌱 #7: Start gardening

Want to try and grow your own food? Looking for some help to start gardening in a way that works for you?

Naturally, not every single course and podcast is suitable for everyone. But that’s why we decided to curate this list to help you pick the right one.

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For more sustainable tips, be sure to sign up for NatureHub! 😉