I have to admit that one of my first thoughts the other week when we were told the UK should brace itself for lockdown was, “but what’s going to happen to my favorite bars?!”
Naturally, our health must come first. But all of us around the world are grieving for the life we once had and the freedom we enjoyed. And when we emerge from this mess, we’ll want life to be as close to what it was as possible. This means we’ll want our favorite bars, coffee places, and eateries to still be there, ready to welcome us with a smile.
As such, your favorite local small businesses need your help more than ever. And there are lots of things you can do to make sure small businesses that are close to your heart don’t fold during this terrible time.
In this article, I’m going to look at a few ways you can help your local small businesses during coronavirus.
Try crowdfunding
Early last week, I received an email from one of my favorite bars in Manchester (A Place Called Common). The subject line was “COVID-19 vs Common Bar.”
Basically, the email informed me of the current situation at the bar. They’ve had to close temporarily and they’re struggling to pay staff and stay afloat. They’re worried, in short.
In response to the outbreak, they’ve setup a CrowdFunder page that regular customers can donate to. In exchange, Common Bar will set us up with a tab that we can use when the place reopens, as well as other free gifts, such as a free beer and a loyalty card.
It’s a really cool idea, and your favorite bars/coffee places/eateries have probably done the same thing. So make sure to check — and if they haven’t, do make a suggestion!
Check home delivery apps
Delivery apps are doing some great business right now, as more people order in. So why not pop on and see if your fav eatery is on there?
You could also order some food for your mates or family members who aren’t allowed to leave the house at the moment.
Don't forget to order some food for your elderly relatives, too: everyone loves pizza.

And pretty please, do leave a tip to the delivery person! Right now, our whole world depends on them.
Order a takeout from them
Not all eateries will have setup a delivery or takeout service yet — but some will have.
For example, one of my favorite places to eat breakfast is now double downing on their takeout service to help them maintain cash flow.
If there’s a place you usually dine at but never order takeout from? Check to see if they’re now offering this service. You may also find that the takeouts are offered at a discount rate, so it’s literally win-win.
If you’re still able to pop into a restaurant, make sure to leave a tip. It will really help them out!
Go online
Grocery shopping has suddenly become hard.
Did I ever imagine that I’d be queuing outside my local supermarket for 20 minutes in the burning spring sunshine before being allowed in while wearing a face mask and freaking out while a dude coughed next to me?

No way. It felt like I was queuing at a theme park. Except, instead of getting on a roller-coaster at the end of the queue, I was simply waiting to be let loose into the freezer section.
To minimize the stress of grocery shopping during the coronavirus pandemic, I’ve turned to online shopping. Because the supermarkets are fully booked up, I’ve discovered a plethora of small businesses that sell awesome organic food, and which are a) taking new customers and b) have delivery slots available.
You can do the same. Wherever you are, there’ll be small businesses that sell all kind of healthy, organic vegetarian and vegan food that can be delivered right to your door.
Pro tip: NatureHub features map of small, local businesses you can possibly order from. For more details, make sure to contact them by phone or Facebook.
Buy a gift card
Got an independent (or even mainstream) store you love but can’t currently shop at?
One way to inject some much needed cash into the business is to pay a gift card (or two). You can’t use the gift card just yet but you’ll be able to go crazy with it when the store reopens.
You could buy one for a friend or family member, too.
We need to support our local small businesses now more than ever. It’s time to step up and do your bit, especially if you want things to return to normal once all this is over.
Use the tips to help your brothers and sisters out so that they’re able to pay their staff and keep themselves ticking over until we’ve kicked the ‘rona out.
Oh, and feel free to share this infographic with your friends or print it out for your neighbors to see:

We updated NatureHub with essential tips to help you prepare and cope with Covid-19 outbreak. Find local discussions, quarantine tips, recipes, DIYs, and news in your NatureHub app.